Developing Kenya's Emerging
Municipalities into Strategic
Green Growth Hubs
SUED is a £43 million, seven-year programme supported by the UK Government.
The programme supports 12 fast growing municipalities to develop sustainable urban economic plans and 10 of them to attract investment for critical infrastructure and value chain projects.

SUED's Strategic Approach
SUED is geared towards supporting market-driven growth in its 12 supported municipalities to aid them to become economically viable centers of sustainable urban development.
Having developed 12 Urban Economic Plan (UEPs) , we are now working with 10 of them attract investment for critical climate-resilient infrastructure and value chain projects. We are doing this through partnering with both the public and private sector to improve urban economic planning, business environment reforms and developing bankable urban investments.
In doing so supported municipalities will have an enabling environment for economic growth that is inclusive and sustainable.
SUED's Funding
SUED is funded by the UK Government. The programme's funding is channeled through two mechanisms:
Technical Assistance: Each municipality receives technical support across the programme's implementation period. The technical supports cuts across urban economic planning, investment attraction, regulatory reform and institutional strengthening.
Seed Fund: Part of the programme fund is also being utilised to provide concessionary grant finance to incentivise investment in infrastructural development and value chain projects. The seed fund is demand led and based on the projects identified in the respective municipal urban economic plans.